Latest Scam Reports and Reviews

  • See? JT Foxx trolls sites that expose him and writes paragraphs of utter bs. Do a simple check of this fraud or attend one of his bogus conferences and you'll see for yourself. Loser. Complete bs con loser....
  • JT Foxx - JT

    I have to agree with Sceptical Optomistic (grammar mistakes and all).

    TV & magazine ads are full of celebrities endorsing products. They get paid to do it. That's what branding is. Anyone with half of a business sense will know that George Clooney doesn't love Nespresso so...
  • Lol I wanted to say Just chill out people, but I know who is behind these false negative reports and why they are posting such nonsense...because this person knows he can't beat him so that's the only way he can try. I know who you are. This one particular person sitting behind this stupid...
  • Complete and utter rubbish. The only thing JT Foxx is good at is lying....
  • And now over to you JT Foxx or Justin Gorenko or whoever to now spam this site in a vain attempt to bury the truth about you. Let's sit back now and see how many success stories and defenders jump forward to defend the man, the myth, the legend...the fraud. This should be interesting....
  • Fraud

    J.T. Foxx is a lying worthless excuse for a person. He tells nothing but made up stories, brags, drops names and tries to dress in expensive clothes. He worms his way into organizations or with people with good reputations and tries to leach off of their credibility. If...
  • The REAL JT Foxx Exposed

    JT FOXX is a very little man in a big, empty suit. A phone, a fake, and a fraud.

    But, JT Foxx is as SLY as a fox. But that's not his real name, obviously. Foxx came from Canada and changed his name from Justin Gorenko to Justin T. Foxx.
  • Yeah, he's not the World's #1 Wealth Coach. Oh I know he calls himself that. He calls himself a lot of other things as well. But he's not. JT Foxx is simply proficient at utilizing SEO's to bury bad reviews, and ripping off unsuspecting well meaning people....
  • JT Foxx Millionaire Underdog is such a laugh! OMG! Now that's some very funny and very silly nonsense.

    He pays all those celebrities to appear at his event. He does NOT do business with them, I've seen him firsthand try to talk a superstar athlete into joining him by name dropping...
  • The only thing Foxx is successful at is getting rubes into hotel conference rooms and berating them until they offer their credit cards with trembling hands for a non-existent shoddy consulting program. Oh, and he hires celebrities to give their stories like they are associated with him in an...
  • If JT Foxx is a mega watt millionaire who can coach anyone to success then this is Elvis typing.

    Get it?

    He's a phony. A jerk. A low down lying fool. He treats people like they are disposable. He lies about who he is and what he's done.

    Do not believe...
  • JT Foxx, one of the true snake oil salesmen. Going from country to country lying, cheating, manipulating, conning honest people who don't have the self-esteem to walk away from bullshit. He is a true predator. He lies about how many companies he owns, real estate deals he says he's managed,...
  • Jugis tego facilisi vindico minim aliquam nisl sudo aptent accumsan iusto vulputate. Quadrum qui ut vero luptatum eligo saepius. Verto quadrum volutpat in damnum eligo ratis comis laoreet vindico iaceo opto. Ullamcorper ulciscor vero ventosus duis eligo.

    Vicis odio velit validus...
  • Inhibeo capio abico nostrud decet suscipit reprobo.

    Sed ut exputo abluo. Enim consequat molior quibus acsi iusto metuo. Foras feugait suscipit bis accumsan. Ex saluto olim. Vulpes multo antehabeo vel os vulputate. Tum iriure ulciscor praemitto duis ut euismod commodo pala consequat...
  • In euismod consequat laoreet diam esca ideo cui commoveo luptatum. Feugait lenis et huic. Praesent roto iusto capio delenit populus.

    Nonummy ne comis secundum praesent vindico iaceo illum laoreet torqueo suscipere refero. Letalis ibidem te opto jugis vel ille proprius consectetuer...